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Entries in IBM Connections (17)


Kudos Boards for IBM Connections Video

Ok so after announcing Kudos Boards for IBM Connections about 2 weeks ago we have been flooded with questions asking for more..... So here is a video I recorded that demonstrates Kudos Boards in detail. We will be at IBM Connect next week in Orlando (Ped 113) so come see for yourself and give it a go. We would love to hear your ideas, to add to our own long list, on how you think we can make Kudos Boards even better. But for now we are very excited to show of the great work that the Kudos team has done to date. For more info...

The video has about 2 mins at the beginning explaining why we have built Kudos Boards. To skip straight to the magic just jump ahead to about 1m55s.


Announcing Kudos Badges 2.1.1 - Connections 4.5, Mobile, Analytics & More!

Team Kudos have been working like bees over the last few months to bring even more features to Kudos Badges, which in January scooped an array of awards at IBM Connect in Florida, USA.

Now with the formal release of Kudos Badges 2.1.1, we've taken onboard a range of client requests and integrated a suite of improvements you are sure to enjoy too. Most importantly, 2.1.1 offers full support for IBM Connections 4.5!

Brand new formal features announced in 2.11 include Kudos Analytics, Kudos Awards, Kudos Mobile, as well as full support of the IBM Notes 9 Embedded Experiences. Read on for more details:

Connections 4.5 Support

Many of our clients around the world are already making to move to upgrade to IBM Connections 4.5, so ensuring Kudos Badges can not only support but take full advantage of the new capabilities in 4.5 has been a big priority. We love Connections 4.5 and wanted to make sure you could upgrade with the confidence that Kudos Badges is fully supported.

To start with:

A great new feature of IBM Connections and the IBM Notes/iNotes 9 Social Edition is the addition of Open Social Gadgets and support for embedded experiences. We've taken advantage of this to deliver a great user embedded experience within Connections and the Notes/iNotes clients (or anywhere that supports Open Social and embedded experiences for that matter!).

So what does this really mean for your users? Well in simple terms it means that they can interact with Kudos Badges in the context of their Notes client. This also means all Kudos Badges, Kudos Thanks and Kudos Awards are displayed in the Discover activity stream and you are able to like and comment on a Kudos related news item!

IBM Notes 9 - Embedded Experience

You can now experience Kudos in IBM Notes 9 with email notifications and an Activity stream widget.

Kudos Analytics

Kudos Analytics is the ideal light weight reporting and analytics tool for IBM Connections focused on user adoption.

Utilising data from both IBM Connections Metrics Applications and Kudos Badges, Kudos Analytics gives you the numbers you need to prove ROI, make decisions and plan your success. Looking at both Connections and Kudos, find out the answers to some key questions:

  • How many people are using Connections?
  • Which applications are being used most (Files, Communities etc)?
  • How much is each feature in each application being used?
  • How is each Community being used?

Kudos Analytics also really easy to install.

Kudos Awards

We've had some great feedback from our clients that really love Kudos Thanks. Users are telling us that Kudos Thanks in itself has created a positive culture of recognition and praise across their users, as well as making Connections a destination and driving further adoption. So we thought we could take this to a new level, and by popular demand have created Kudos Awards.

Kudos Awards allows management to acknowledge great achievements amongst their workforce, even integrate well-known workplace awards such as Employee of the Month. Users can build and customise an awards and recognition program to suit, such as certifications that have been achieved, awards for tenure or years of employment, and many other examples.

Kudos Awards integrates very nicely within IBM Connections, leveraging the Connections Profiles and Activity streams to promote users achievements.

We've Gone Mobile

Now you can 'give Thanks' and keep up with your Leaderboards while on the road! Kudos Badges Mobile can now integrate seemlessly with the new Connections Mobile app from IBM.

Kudos Badges Mobile provides seamless integration between IBM Connections Mobile app and Kudos Badges, without users having to install or regularly check-in with a separate app. We've also leveraged the authentication via the Connections App so users don't need to logon again - How neat is that!?

Find out more

To discover how simple it is to implement Kudos Badges into your workplace, or to learn more about how Kudos accelerates performance and productivity in your workplace, check our Youtube Channel or the website at We're also available on twitter: @KudosBadges


KUDOS BADGES WINS - Innovation in Social Business Application Development

Wow!! I am absolutely stoked that ISW and Kudos Badges has just received notification that we WON the IBM Collaboration Solutions Award for Innovation in Social Business Application Development!

Now the IBM Connect conference will be an celebration for Team Kudos and our awesome clients. I have to say I am so proud to be part of the team that created Kudos Badges. Andrew Welch, Jay Agrawal, John Bilson, Scott Headlam, Scott Leis, Meg Woolley, and everyone else involved have truly created an outstanding solution for IBM Connections that our clients all around the world have taken up with passion.

Kudos Badges was built from the ground up for IBM Connections and as such we have taken advantage of all the great capabilities the Connections platform offers. iWidgets, OpenSocial, Activity Streams, Embedded Experiences, Mobile, etc have all added to our ability to deliver an exceptional user experience and add real value to users of Connections.

Since launching Kudos Badges this time last year we have grown our user base to hundreds of thousands of users around the world with clients now in the UK, Finland, Switzerland, USA, Australia, South Africa, India, Germany, The Netherlands, Mexico, and a few that I am sure I have forgotten. We have some awesome partners that have taken to Kudos Badges and now offer it as a default part of every IBM Connections implementation they perform.

So THANK YOU IBM for your support and this recognition. It really does mean a lot for this Australian company to be recognised on the world stage along side our peers.


Award Info:

This award will be presented to a Business Partner who provides the best solution for creating an Exceptional Customer Experience or a Smarter Workforce through the use of IBM Collaboration Solutions (ICS) application development tools. The offering must leverage new technology innovations such as the Social Business Toolkit, XPages Extension Library, Web Experience Factory builders, or Mobile Controls. Submissions for this award should be solutions that leverage these new technologies to address a specific business need by:

Selection Criteria: Special consideration will be given to developers new to Social Business application development with solutions that:



Also a big congratulations to all the other winners and finalist. IBM Collaboration Solutions has a truly impressive list of organisations building solutions around the ICS solutions! Keep innovating!


One last pre IBM Connect thing....Kudos Analytics!

Well we have had a lot of news to get out before Connect. However as the saying goes "but wait their is more"!!! We are pleased to release our latest addition to the Kudos Badges suite.....Kudos Analytics!

We have been working with IBM Connections since very early in the products life and we are ALWAYS asked the same questions from our clients - How many users are doing xy&z? Can you show that trending over time?

With IBM Connections 3 this was always difficult as there was only the limited Metrics and Statistics that Connections provided out of the box. There were some clever things we could do to capture them daily and export them to spreadsheets where clients could then develop their own reports etc from that. However it was fairly limited and a bit of a pain really.

Then with IBM Connections 4 IBM introduced the new Metrics Application and integration with IBM Cognos to deliver quite and advanced reporting and analytics capability. This is great stuff however lots of the clients we speak to consider it too heavy for what they need and they don't really want to spend the days required to get Cognos going and integrated, yet alone provide additional server infrastructure to do so. It is really just a bit too heavy.

So enter Kudos Analytics. We have been providing some basic reports as a part of Kudos Badges around usage and adoption for quite a while however with the introduction of the Metrics Application we are able to do a lot more detailed analysis. Have a look at the video for a demo.

We have found that most users of Connections really just want some light weight reporting that is easy to access and install. Kudos Analytics takes about 10 minutes to install and get started. This is just the first step and we are planning on adding Kudos Analytics capabilities for individual Communities so Community Managers can see what is happening in their realm. We would also love to hear your thoughts and ideas on what else is needed so come visit us at IBM Connect pedestal C49!!




IBM Notes Sidebar App for Kudos Badges

Following from our earlier annoucement about the Kudos Badges Mobile App for IBM Connections, we are also pleased to announce our latest IBM Notes Sidebar App/Widget for Kudos Badges. The integration of IBM Connections and IBM Notes 9 Social Edition really meant it was a no brainer to provide the same level of integration with Kudos Badges. Now users can access their Kudos Leaderboard from within their Notes client, view their Badges and Thanks peer to peer rewards, as well as post Thanks to their colleagues all within the context of the Notes client.



But wait....there is more to come....Now that we are into IBM Notes Social Edition, with the awesome new integration points we will have another (I think the most important) annoucement coming up soon! So watch this space!