Wildfire 1.4.1 Released on OpenNTF - Facebook Fixed
Friday, September 17, 2010 at 4:19PM
Adam Brown in Collaboration, OpenNTF, Wildfire

For all those Wildfire and Facebooks fans you will be glad to know we have resolved the issues around Facebook Feeds and Status Updates.

Wildfire 1.4.1 is available at http://wildfire.openntf.org.

For those that arn't familiar with Wildfire it is a Notes 8.5 Sidebar plugin that enables you to post status updates to many different social networks at once. Sametime, Connections, Facebook, Twitter, and many more. It also allows you to group your social networks into different types or categories and create a single feed/life stream that aggregates together all these networks.

Article originally appeared on Adam Brown - Collaboration Blueprint (http://www.collaborationblueprint.com.au/).
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