Wildfire 1.4 Released on OpenNTF - Mac & Linux now supported
Friday, July 16, 2010 at 10:47PM
Adam Brown in OpenNTF, Social Software, Wildfire

I am pleased to let you know that we have just released Wildfire 1.4 on OpenNTF. This release finally fixes some of the issues we have had with the Mac and Linux clients as well as a few other requested improvements.

New features in WildFire V1.4.0
• Linux & Mac Support (including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, HTML Links etc)
• HTML Links open in Default Browser
• Facebook Authentication improvement
• Facebook Feeds from “Mobile Web”
• SocialText Signals improvement
So check it out and please provide feedback/report bugs/request new features and we will see what we can add for 1.5 down the track. You can get it at http://wildfire.openntf.org .
Article originally appeared on Adam Brown - Collaboration Blueprint (http://www.collaborationblueprint.com.au/).
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